Coffee, Tea & Autism - Ravenna

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Coffee, Tea and Autism provides an informal forum for discussion and information sharing among anyone impacted by autism.  Facilitators are volunteers who have first-hand knowledge of living the autism journey and have completed their training in active listening skills, group dynamics and accessing resources.

These support groups can … 

  • Connect people with similar experiences
  • Provide new resources, ideas and suggestions
  • Encourage you throughout your journey
  • Celebrate successes no matter how small
  • Let you know you are not alone
  • Allow understanding with no judgement

Sometimes the best support and information comes from others living the same journey.




Meeting Dates:  4th Tuesday of Every Month
Meeting Time:  10:00am
Location:  Reed Memorial Library · 167 E. Main Street, Ravenna, OH 44266

Peer Facilitator:  Trina Bullard

A little bit about Trina ... I have a degree in secondary mathematics education, and have worked as a teacher and data programmer.  My husband and I have two sons, 9 and 3.  I have been very fortunate to be a stay-at-home mom since shortly after the birth of our first son.   After our nine year old, James, missed all of the one year old developmental milestones, we began our journey into the world of special needs.  James was diagnosed with autism before he turned two.  Our amazing journey has been filled with ups and downs, but has taught me more than I could have ever imagined.  James is verbal, but like so many parents, I want him to be happy now, but fear his future.  Becoming involved with the Autism Society has shown me therapies and opportunities for James that I would not have known about otherwise.  Our Coffee, Tea, and Autism group has been such a support in my life.  Hearing others’ stories and seeing their smiling, nodding, and encouraging faces have given me even more strength to be James’s primary advocate.


Event Details

Event Start Date 08-22-2017 10:00 am
Event End Date 08-22-2017 11:30 am
Location Reed Memorial Library